Common Services Committee


“Common Services” are a set of foundational IT services, managed and delivered by OIT, that Princeton University members can access for communication, collaboration, and productivity. The Common Services Committee (CSC) provides planning and oversight of the annual portfolio of IT projects related to these common services, and it adjudicates in matters raised by service managers and by the Strategic Advisory Group on IT (SAGIT). 

Services / Technologies in Scope 

  • Cable TV
  • Campus Engagement & Collaboration
  • Communications
  • Enterprise Service Management 
  • Electronic Signatures
  • Email
  • Employee Learning & Development
  • Enterprise Software Licensing
  • Event Registration & Ticketing
  • File Storage
  • Mass Communications (non-emergency)
  • Printing
  • Process Mapping
  • Project Management
  • University Owned Computers
  • Video Content
  • Virtual Machines
  • Virtual Meetings
  • Website Services
  • Wireless Services

Responsibilities ​

  1. Serve as the advisory group / voice of the campus for proposed changes to common services and/or new services 
    • Define a set of common services 
    • Assure campus satisfaction with common services in scope 
    • Monitor the 5-year lifecycle plans for each common service 
    • Validate proposed campus-impacting service changes presented by service managers 
  2. Oversee the annual IT portfolio planning process for common services 
    • Recommend enterprise-level common services initiatives to be considered/approved by SAGIT as needed 
    • Identify redundancies and interdependencies in the project slate 
    • Ensure that the complexion of the slate reflects both institutional priorities from SAGIT and departmental priorities from VPs/deans 
    • Endorse the annual common services project slate prior to sending it to SAGIT for provost approval 
  3. Ensure effective IT service management practices 
    • Verify that service and process improvements are considered as part of every common services initiative 
    • Confirm that sponsor and steering committees are defined for high-profile services 
    • Make sure that the introduction of a new service includes a plan for secure data sharing with the broader University as appropriate 
    • Provide guidance for the process by which end users are represented on projects 
  4. Liaise and communicate 
    • Relate key information back to represented VP/dean areas 
    • Provide update and solicit advice from SAGIT as appropriate 
    • Consult and interact with the other four IT governance committees (Administrative Technology, Instructional Technology Support, Data Governance, and Information Security and IT Risk Management) as appropriate 


Initially, the committee may meet more frequently than once a month in person or online to conduct committee business, and a majority of the committee members will constitute a quorum.  


Chair: Carol Kondrach

Serves as leader of the committee and is appointed by SAGIT for a 3-year term; orients new committee members; sets meeting agendas; facilitates committee meetings; represents the committee to other committees and University units.

Secretary: Theresa Hvisdock

Onboards new committee members; maintains the committee document repository and website; reserves physical and virtual meeting spaces; schedules committee meetings; procures and sets up meeting technologies; distributes meeting agendas; prepares meeting documents; tracks meeting attendance; takes and distributes meeting notes; delegates activities to administrative/support staff as needed. 


Committee members report directly to president cabinet members and can name one of their own direct reports as representative to the committee. 


Carol Kondrach 
Deputy CIO 
Office of Information Technology