Exploring Privacy Apps

Jan 28, 2021, 1:00 pm2:00 pm
Students, Faculty, Staff



Event Description

(InfoSec 101) In celebration of International Data Privacy Day (January 28) and in collaboration with the Center for Digital Humanities’ Privacy Initiative, the Information Security Office will discuss several software applications that were developed with privacy in mind. Some applications explored include DuckDuckGo privacy services, Tor browser, Mailvelope encrypted email, and Signal messaging (encrypted instant messenger, voice, and video calling). Join us to learn about both the advantages and disadvantages of these services.

Please note this class will run from 1:05-1:50 PM.

About InfoSec class levels:

InfoSec 100-level classes: Classes with no prerequisites and typically define basic concepts or terminology.

InfoSec 200-level classes: Classes may sometimes have prerequisites and typically define intermediate-level concepts or terminology.

Information Security Office