Implement the IT Strategic Plan

Protect the digital resources of Princeton University through ensuring that every device connected to our protected network is managed and secure.

Manage the leadership change and organizational re-alignment in a manner that enhances our mission of providing high-quality information technology services to campus.
Departmental Goals and Top Projects
Supporting the university mission through excellent customer service, innovative software solutions and a robust and secure campus infrastructure.
Leadership Development - Develop the next generation of IT Leaders at Princeton through a structured talent and skills development program.
IT Skills Academy - Create and deliver a multi-level curriculum that will expand competencies in essential technology areas to develop and improve skills for the 600+ IT staff at the University.
Salary and Compensation Review - In partnership with Human Resources continue to develop a compensation strategy for all IT staff at Princeton.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) - In partnership with Human Resources, hire a DEI leader to implement strategic IT DEI initiatives that align with the University's data focused DEI Strategy.
Strategic Planning - Support the implementation of the new IT Governance and Core Services Committee.
Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP Planning
- Assessment and Implementation of new Course planning, Advising
- Implementation of TigerHub Mobile for students
- Restricted Data Remediation and Record Retention
- Open Enrollment 2023, Salary Administration Module 2024
- Banking Transformation – Phase II
- Integration with new PPPL Finance system with University Finance and HR ERP
Custom Solutions and Integrations & UX - Financial Aid (multiple projects)
- Princeton Mortgages Rewrite
Software Infrastructure Services - Cloud Infrastructure and Application Migration
Package Adoption and Configuration - Enterprise Health System Implementation
- Faculty Information System Implementation
- Advancement CRM Assessment and Planning
- InfoEd/Dean for Research Assessment and Planning
- Lab Animal Research Assessment and Implementation
Web Development Services - Drupal post-upgrade enhancements and continued website development
Center for Data Analytics and Reporting (CeDAR) - Alignment with University Data Office (UDO) on Data Strategy and Supporting Technical Infrastructure
Customer Service and Support - Campus Digital Experience: Consistent support experience with the OIT Service Desk, Service Point, and Financial Service Center.
- Enhancing End User Computing: building and deploying a consistent, repeatable and secure process for acquiring personal computers on campus.
- Managed Printer Program: improving the way that printing and copying are done on campus.
ServiceNow Platform - IT Service and Operations Management: Leveraging the ServiceNow platform to automate IT operations and processes.
Service Management Process and Data Strategy - Secure Computing Initiative: Leveraging the asset management data in ServiceNow to ensure that only secure computers are allowed on the protected network.
IT Strategic Plan - IT Governance: Coordinate the creation of and staff the new IT governance committees.
- Cybersecurity Initiative: Manage the Campus Cybersecurity program.
- Administrative Data Strategy: advice and support the UDO in establishing a Data Strategy Executive Council and planning for strategic data initiatives.
- Supporting the ERP transformation projects.
Project Management - Supporting SAGIT-led initiatives: Faculty Information System, Financial Aid technology enhancements, new campus CRM assessment, Research Compliance improvements and IT Infrastructure Cloud migration.
- Build a new business solutions analysis team to support SAGIT-funded work.
Project Portfolio Process - Migrate the IPP to a new SharePoint Platform.
Network Infrastructure - Complete the final phase of the Next Generation Network Upgrade.
- Utilize the new network to enable the segmentation strategy for our Verify-to-Connect Program.
- Complete Phase II of the WiFi High-Density project to further improve wireless services in classrooms, dining halls and areas supporting large gatherings.
- Deliver and test network infrastructure and telecommunications installations for capital construction, major renovations, and leased spaces.
Critical Infrastructure - Roll-out a risk management program for campus-wide IT-enabled critical infrastructure, including updates to continuity of operations plans and regular tabletop exercises with campus partners.
- Expand monitoring services for IT-enabled critical infrastructure and cloud services.
Compute/Server Infrastructure - Complete the HPCRC datacenter expansion study in partnership with Office of the Provost and Office of the Vice President for Facilities to support the next frontier of high-performance computing.
- Deploy infrastructure systems for University Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud, and Amazon Web Services private "clouds”.
Security Operations - Implementation and expansion of CrowdStrike Falcon Complete solution, for 24x7x365 monitoring capabilities.
- Maturing vulnerability management and threat hunting capabilities.
Policy and Governance - Establishing IT Risk and Security Governance Committee.
Risk, Training and Outreach - Testing, piloting and implementation of ServiceNow based continuous IT risk assessment.
- Testing and implementation of annual campus wide security training.
- Testing and implementation of campus wide simulated phishing tests.
Security Architecture & Access - OIT Cybersecurity Verify to Connect model roll-out.
- Implementation of continuous external surface attack assessment and reporting.