The policies published to this site are official policies sponsored by or endorsed by the Office of Information Technology. These policies have been adopted to help ensure the appropriate use of Princeton resources. Members of the University community are responsible for reviewing these policies and for complying with their requirements.
As reflected in Rights, Rules, Responsibilities 1.4.9 and 1.5.2, the University offers electronic services and the use of its electronic equipment and systems, including but not limited to servers, computers, mobile devices, telephone systems, and cloud-hosted services and storage (collectively, “IT Systems”) to students, faculty and staff for educational, research and administrative purposes in furtherance of its mission.
As part of a broader IT Strategic Plan, the University is taking purposeful steps to protect our campus IT infrastructure from ransomware and other destructive cybersecurity attacks.
Related Policies
Princeton University makes available to its community members computing and network resources, including shared information technology resources that use text, voice, images, and video to deliver information.
This site serves as a central repository of the University policies that govern a wide range of University activities. It is intended as a resource for the University community in support of Princeton University's core teaching and research mission.